Your Mob Ideas | Episode 4 Update!

Your Mob Ideas | Episode 4 Update!



Your Mob Ideas covers the audiences’ very own mob ideas that are suggested to Raboy13, if they get lucky, their mobs could get added to the series, and if the mob is very unique, it might even get added to “Raboy’s Mobs Addon” which is another project by Raboy13.

 Before you use this addon, make sure to turn on the followingfor it to work properly.


Your Mob Ideas Episode 1 includes the first 3 mobs in this series which is the Sea Serpent, the Twisters, and the Yeti.

Sea Serpent

-spawns naturally in the ocean
-has a rare blue variant
-hostile to players
-attacks dolphins, guardians, villagers, iron golems, and wandering traders
-has a poison effect when attacking
-the baby serpent only attacks dolphins and squids
-drops a pile of bones and 1 to 2 of its fangs
-new item called “Sea Serpent Fang” from killing Sea Serpents
-new weapon called “Sea Serpent Spear” made from sea serpent fangs


-spawns in deserts
-6 attack damage
-30 health points
-shoots dust balls that give a player blindess for a short period of time (not working)
-immune to fall damage
-behaves similar to a blaze
-drops sand when killed
-has a 40% chance to drop twister essence when killed that can be consumed and gives you a 
levitation effect for 15 seconds and slow falling effect for 20 seconds


-found spawning in snowy biomes,
-200 health
-neutral to players
-attacks passive mobs for food
-hostile to iron golems
-danger to villagers
-drops snowballs when killed


Lava Tortoise

-spawns anywhere in the nether
-has 25 hitpoints
-drops several magma creams and a chance to drop a lava tortoise scute
-immune to fire damage
-4x damage when in contact with water
-babies can drop a lava tortoise scute when turning into adults
-babies grow up within 1200 game ticks after being spawned
-babies can be fed crimson or warped fungus to speed up the growth process


-spawns anywhere in the nether
-has a glowing nether texture
-same health as an ordinary enderman
-immune to fire damage
-4x damage when in contact with water
-drops several magma creams and a chance to drop an enderpearl when killed
-same behaviors as a normal enderman

Eversource Chicken

-lays spawn eggs of all the vanilla mobs every 30 to 60 seconds, exact for mobs that don’t have spawn eggs
-has 25 hp
-same behavior as normal chickens


Lava Creeper

-spawns in the nether
-immune to fire damage
-takes damage when in contact with water
-slightly more powerful than a regular creeper
-same health as a regular creeper
-sets everything around them on fire when exploding
-drops gunpowder when killed

The Cyclops

-large mob that spawns in the roofed forest biome
-eats livestock, villagers, and players
-neutral to iron golems
-has 200 health
-10 attack damage
-drops a couple of items when killed

Lush Cow

-mutated cow that has found its way to the lush caves of minecraft
-spawns in lush caves
-can be bred using glow berries
-babies can be fed glow berries to grow up faster
-drops beef, leather, and moss carpets when killed


Mushroom Creeper

-mob idea by Lesser Dad
-creeper variant that spawns in mushroom islands
-same attributes as a normal creeper
-charged mushroom creeper drops tnt instead of gunpowder when killed

Little Tangerine

-mob idea by LilTangy
-spawns in jungle biomes
-20 health points
-tameable using cookies
-can be bred using cookies
-does nothing except being cute most of the time


-mob idea by OrangeBlue13
-spawns in mountain biomes, especially in jagged peak biomes
-50 health
-10 attack damage + poison for 3 seconds
-spits poison that lasts for 3 seconds in a 3×3 area
-drops its stinger when killed which can be used to craft a Wyvern Spear
-wyvern spear deals 7 attack damage and poison for 5 seconds


Get ready for Your Mob Ideas Episode 5, where I bring you three brand new mobs to add to your Minecraft world. First up is the Sculk Creeper, a sly and stealthy creature that uses its advanced senses to detect movement and sneak up on its prey. Next, we have the Drowned Enderman, a water-dwelling version of the classic Enderman that has adapted to life underwater and can teleport short distances through the water. Finally, we introduce the Soul Sand Golem, a formidable construct made entirely of soul sand and bound by dark magic. Each of these mobs is uniquely designed to bring a new level of excitement and challenge to your game. Can you defeat the Sculk Creeper’s stealth attacks, outsmart the Drowned Enderman’s teleportation, or withstand the might of the Soul Sand Golem? Find out in Your Mob Ideas Episode 5.

Sculk Creeper

Mob suggested by Bluesteakdev. The Sculk Creeper is a mob found in the deep dark biome, known for its heightened hearing senses and exposed heart. When an intruder is nearby, the sculk creeper unleashes a barrage of hissing sounds to alert the warden. Despite its inability to explode or be charged by lightning, it still has the same attributes as a regular creeper.

Drowned Enderman

Mob suggested by narutihivk5. The drowned enderman is a unique twist on the classic enderman mob, adapted to living underwater and covered in corals. It can only teleport during thunderstorms and when out of the water, and becomes agitated when players look it in the eyes. When killed, it has a chance to drop an ender pearl or a nautilus shell.

Soul Sand Golem

Mob suggested by JorgeLaPalta. The soul sand golem is a formidable mob found in the nether, made entirely of soul sand and tortured souls. Its ability to walk on lava and neutral behavior make it a unique addition to the game. When killed, it has a chance to drop a netherite and a soul speed enchanted book, making it a valuable source of resources.

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