Wither Skeleton Horror Farm

Wither Skeleton Horror Farm


Escape from a dangerous wither skeleton before you die

Wither Skeleton Horror Farm is a stealth horror game like Granny where you must escape from a evil Wither Skeleton. It won’t be easy because he set traps on the grass and he is patrolling the farm. This action takes place at night inside a abandoned farm and there isn’t anyone around, there isn’t a telephone to call the police so it depends on you to escape or not. Find items, avoid the wither skeleton seeing you, find the button to kill him and escape 

The front of the farm

The story:Years ago, wither skeletons used to live inside a house but then they were killed because they started killing animals. They stole the property because it used to be a wither skeleton home. The button to kill them permanently was pressed, years later a zombie, Baby Zombie, pressed the button to revive the wither skeletons and now one wither skeleton is capturing people out of anger. You one day was walking on a road and Wither Skeleton knocks you out and you wake up in a farm. Now you have to get out or get killed.

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