Vanilla RTX

Vanilla RTX


Vanilla RTX is a resource pack for Minecraft RTX; allowing you to use Minecraft’s ray tracing features by providing quality PBR texture maps and fog configurations on top of vanilla game without altering vanilla experience, bringing complete ray tracing support for Minecraft’s default resources while remaining as faithful as possible to all the different aspects and details of vanilla Minecraft.
With over 4 million downloads and counting since 2020, Vanilla RTX is the most popular and the go-to RTX resource pack for the ideal vanilla Minecraft RTX experience.

Vanilla RTX uses 16x heightmaps with uniquely detailed MERs (Metallic/Emissivity/Roughness). Vanilla RTX Normals features complex 16x Normals instead.

  • Vanilla RTX & Vanilla RTX Normals cover every possible Vanilla, Creative, Education Edition or secret block.
  • All materials are uniquely designed and consistent across different blocks.
  • Everything has been fine-tuned for Minecraft RTX.

Experience Minecraft’s ray tracing with vanilla textures at their best, all textures are meticulously detailed and consistent with each and every block having unique design put into it.
Vanilla RTX is regularly updated both to add support for new blocks and to improve existing ones, there are also several other optional patches that will allow you to customize certain aspects of Vanilla RTX.
Most of fog colors have been tuned to match vanilla game colors, but if you wish to play Minecraft RTX without air fog, you can toggle fogless option through the resource pack’s settings.

Vanilla RTX Public Community:

Full Support for Trails and Tales (v1.20) has been added.

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Vanilla RTX Normals

An alternative standard Vanilla RTX experience, Vanilla RTX Normals features unique & complex 16x Normal Maps for all blocks.

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