Ultimate Hide and Seek

Ultimate Hide and Seek


Your favorite childhood game has come to Minecraft! One seeker vs up to 9 hiders. This game can be played with 2-10 players. It is entirely made from command blocks so no extra resource or behavior packs are needed.Note: The command blocks can make this map laggy if your device has poor internet connection or is old.

How to Play:

The Lobby: The lobby will have several options. There are 6 customizable game settings. There is also a “Map Reset” button just in case the map somehow breaks due to lag or something else. The “Suggested Rules” button explains the rules that make the game best for all players, but are not required. The last button is the “Start Game” button which is pretty self explanatory.

Starting the Game: Click start. The seeker is chosen at random and the rest of the players are selected as hiders. There is a 60 second grace period in which the hiders will have to look for a spot to hide. The seeker will wait in a small room during that time and will not be able to see the arena until they are released. 

Special Items: The hiders will get 2 special items when they are placed into the arena. Two feathers and one sugar. Dropping a feather will grant the hider with 10 seconds of invisibility. Dropping the sugar will give the hider 10 seconds of super speed. These items are limited and the hiders will not be given more after using. The seeker will be given a barrier and a glowstone dust. The barrier is used if the seeker wants to give up (more on that later). The glowstone dust is slightly complicated.. Dropping it will spawn a large blue particle above where the hiders are. This particle will be visible for 10 seconds after use. The seeker will then be given another glowstone dust about 45 seconds after using it. The seeker will most likely want to be at high ground so that it is easiest to find/see the particle.

Note: The seekers will need to have “Show Particles” on in order to use the glowstone item.

Winning the Game: The seeker will win the game if they find and kill all hiders. If there are multiple hiders, the first one(s) killed will spawn above the map where they can spectate. The hiders win if the seeker gives up. There is no time limit for the seeker to find the hider, but if you and your friends want one you can just use an online one. (If I ever make an update in the future, I might consider making an in-game timer.)


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