Tuff Golem’s Nick Command

Tuff Golem’s Nick Command



Tuff Golem’s nick command for Minecraft Bedrock Edition allows players to change their name in both single-player and multiplayer worlds. It supports chat ranks and hub titles, letting you customize your in-game identity. The command seamlessly integrates with the chat system, displaying your chosen name, rank, and title whenever you type.

Tuff Golem’s Nick Command allows you to change your name in both multiplayer and single-player worlds.


By: Tuff Golem

By using the nick command, not only can you modify your displayed name, but you can also incorporate chat ranks and hub titles, giving you even more customization options. For instance, after setting your nickname, you can add a rank or title that will appear alongside your name in chat, making it clear to others what your role or status is within the game.

Below is an example on how to use the “-nick” chat command

To use the command type “-nick” into the chat. For hub-titles use “^” after your name to start another line below your name

This is particularly useful in multiplayer settings where hub titles and ranks can help distinguish players’ roles or achievements.

Additionally, this feature integrates seamlessly with the chat system, so your chosen name, rank, and hub title will appear whenever you type in chat, ensuring consistency across all forms of communication in the game. Whether you’re playing with friends or exploring a world on your own.

 Example of in-game chat!


This script also includes all of the ranks on “The Hive”, Making it perfect for thumbnails/videos.

Right Click on the custom “Name Changer” Item to open up the menu to change your username.

Here is the UI once you Right Click on the “Name Changer” Item.



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