Fade Chat Ranks

Fade Chat Ranks



Fade Custom Chat Ranks are created by Fade Studios meant to give you some spice to your servers by having are chat ranks you can turn your server with boring chat with very custom chat to your liking!

Fade Custom Chat Ranks are a great way to give your server a way better look in chat. Its also easy to use to! by running the command /tag (Player) add “rank:(Your Rank)” By doing this you can change the rank of the player(s) if you want a list of color codes to use you can use “§” to colorize your chat ranks
§4 : Dark Red
§c : Red
§6 : Gold
§e : Yellow
§2 : Dark Green
§a : Light Green
§b : Aqua
§3 : Dark Aqua
§1 : Dark Blue
§9 : Blue
§d : Pink
§5 : Purple
§f : White
§7 : Gray(This is the default chat color)
§0 : Black

You need to have these experiments on, If your having issues recommend turning all experiments on.


To remove ranks instead of doing add do remove for example “/tag @s remove “rank:§dOwner”


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