Cube UI V2.15.1
Cube UI V2.15.1
Cube UI is a concise and practical UI. It has a cleaner UI look than the vanilla UI and provides some new features on top of the original. You can use it on any device!
I appreciate that you clicked into this resource, now allow me to introduce Cube UI in a few seconds
First, make sure your Minecraft version is above V1.17
So, what are the features of Cube UI?
- smooth animation
- small memory footprint
- convenience features
- full coverage of the interface
Supported languages
English / Chinese(简体中文、繁体中文) / Japanese / Korean / French / German / Russian ···
screenshot preview
start screen
setting screen
play screen
hud screen
inventory screen
How to setting Cube UI
Modify the ui/_global_variables.json file
Remember to make changes according to the prompts in the file
Dawn theme
Think the background is too bright? Want to use Cube UI at night?