Clan Tags and Chat Ranks (1.20.30+)
Clan Tags and Chat Ranks (1.20.30+)
This is just a simple chatranks plugin with a twist! It has clantag functionality! By typing %clans ingame you can join or create a clan!This works with most addons (assuming you don’t have another chatrank addon active)
UI and other stuff
In order for the addons to work properly, this one should be near the bottom of the list:
like this
This is a simple chatranks plugin! Made compatible with other addons plus with the added ability to add clan tags!
Clan Tag Rules:
You can only have one clan tag at a time, your old one is removed when you change it or delete it.
You can configure the addon to ban certain words and terms (terms like God, admin, staff and owner are banned by default, as well as some slurs and cuss words)
To join/create a clan simply type in chat %clans.